So Many Update
- it’s been so long since I’ve updated this site that we’re practically strangers
- hi, I’m Kyle, nice to meet you
- I moved to California: it is amazing here
- wonderful weather, great people
- amazing foods, fresh produce, obligatory avocado addiction
- love it!
- living the dream!!!
- so I have worked at Apple for a bit and …
- a) I absolutely love it!
- b) I can’t really talk about it.
- sold my car
- wat? yes, I really did sell my beloved 2015 VW GTI
- why? because I rarely drive anywhere anymore
- how? bus, legs, my wife’s car, etc.
- still trying to be healthy
- being more active, walking a bunch, working out a bit
- got an Apple Watch now (duh)
- it helps nag me into moving around and doing stuff
- the Apple Watch is fantastic, I love it, seriously, go get one! so worth it!
- OMG OMG OMG! break out puzzle rooms!
- we did one while visiting back in Louisville, KY over the holidays
- liked it so much that we did another before we left
- another one in CA once we got back
- actually failed to get out of this one on time
- we knew that we didn’t have a enough people going in
- did it anyway just for the fun of it
- they let us finish the room even though we failed so that we could see all of the puzzles
- it was a great time hanging out with some of our new friends in town
- and then another one which was a bit too easy but still had fun
- and then yet another which was great, kind of like being in an Indiana Jones movie
- they’re super fun and I highly recommend that you go out and try one immediately
- you read it right here on the Internet so it must be true
- so go ahead.. now… right now, I’ll wait… back? ok great. :-)
- mini vacation
- ma-in-law is visiting
- driving around to have fun
- harry potter world is happening
- swish and flick, bitches
- see you soon
- probably another trip back to IN / KY area this summer
- let you know for sure
- well, if we like you ;-)
- soon you see
- should be able to get laser eye surgery
- probably IntraLase / Custom LASIK
- find out my options in a couple of weeks
- books:
- Ready Player One
- Armada
- Harry Potter
- series:
- movies:
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- Deadpool
- music:
- Halsey
- Dirt Poor Robins
- Cilver
- Hollywood Undead
- any of Zane Lowe’s playlists
- still going to school
- still enjoying the GA Tech Online MS CS program
- last semester kept me pretty busy but I got A’s so yay
- liked Machine Learning enough to specialize in it
- taking Reinforcement Learning and Software Architecture and Design
- SAAD keeps me busy mostly through lectures and team projects
- RL keeps me busy mostly through research papers and recursive maths
- it’s a lot of work but overall I enjoy it